12 Ağustos 2011 Cuma

Raindrops (Ash)

So me...
I always wanted a place like that. My safe place, no one is allowed but me. A place that I could run away and stay forever.
Everyone should have that place. A safe place that no one can disturb you with a really nice view. But truth be told I have a place like that well "used to". It was my desk at my old class. Next to our school we have a Jewish cemetery and my old class is seeing it. Wierd huh? But well you can call me crazy but it is one of the most relaxing place on the world for me. In that cemetery there are lots and lots of palm trees and when you sit in my desk and look out you just see the palm trees. It feels like you are in a forest.
I really missed that place. But well no worries I'll find another place like that, who knows; maybe I'll find someone makes me feel like I'm in my safe place... <3

1 yorum:

  1. wait. Aaash? You missed school? Seriously?!?! And, well, you're one of the people who had faith(In love. thought I should make it clear.). But...I guess I'll explain it in a writing. Hm...Not in a comment. Oh, and, yeah, sorry I forgot, that's my other(well just "my" I guess, cause the other is our mutual account. And yes, we ARE like a married couple, minus, you know, living together, being married, seeing each other everyday and all... Ok, not very much maybe...;))
