14 Ağustos 2011 Pazar

New days, new decisions (Ash)

I've changed
I can say that because I did changed.
I'm no longer that child who always want to have all attention.
I don't know how or why. And I made some decisions.
1. I'm going to study science
2. I'm going to learn sign language
3. I'm going to read books for blind people
4. I'm going to help my mum at housework
5. I'm going to learn how to take pro. photos
6. I'm going to be a really good and hardworking ballerina
7. I'm going to study hard. Less computer, more homework
8. I'm going to take lessons for physics and math
9. I'm going to have a tattoo
10. I'm going to write everyday (Not here, I have a special notebook for that)
Thats it for now

1 yorum:

  1. Geesh, Ash? What have you been up to lately? Going to a zen garden perhaps? I know we haven't talked much lately(due to my touchscreen being untouchable-yes, untouchable, or insensitive. You know, not responding.) And I haven't been sleeping very...well... uhm...regularly being the right(closest) word. I didn't sleep and eat anything in the past 24 hours and my sanity is erratic as well as my sleeping and eating habits. My sanity is flickering from time to time because...let's explain: I already told you we'd move, right? Do you know the process? You know, packing boxes and all? and, those boxes have to be taped? Yeah, and the sound it makes? And when you can't sleep because there's a tape sound every five seconds and it's driving me crazy! When my mom's tired my grandmother takes the shift! It's just cruel, y'know! Have you ever heard of chinese torture? you know, when they drip drops every minute so you can't sleep? I think I've experienced a different version of it and trust me, it works. If I had any hopes it would stop, I'd answer any questions! And I don't even have my bed! my room's been moved beforehand, like two days beforehand! grrr....:D yeah, this is a comment, and this is me, Kat, in my original account. It was just too much of a drag to sign out, sign in, comment, sign out and sign in...Y'know ;) :P
