12 Ağustos 2011 Cuma

Continue to my comment to the previous writing. Luv ya, Kat :P

But we know each other's everything( account's passwords and all. She's my only friend that I know every number(cell, home, school-ok maybe not that, but I used to-) and can go to her house with my eyes closed. -Well, I do know that that one doesn't go for her, but that's beacuse of me.(we move around a lot, like we'll be moving out tomorrow-packing right now- and we've moved last year, and 5 years before that, and 4 years before that and 1 year before that. wait, that makes me eleven years or so. That's not right. Hmm. let's take a quick look. When I was born, we moved out a year later.(cause my dad was in the army and all.-not as duty, his job! He used to be a commander. Then he retired(like Ash's. Her father is like that too! Well, minus the retirement.;))Then another house. I don't exactly remember but I'm telling you what I was told. And then we moved(not sure after how many years.) And again(not sure again) and we moved. And after five years, we moved again, that brings us to present.We moved to this house. And now, we're moving again. And, honestly, I don't expect any of my friends, old friends especially, to know where I live. Well, they can know the area, but I don't expect them to come and surprise me. Well, I am surprised if I can get home at first. From that angle, I guess I envy Ash a little. I moved and changed schools a lot. That's why I don't actually have a lot of friends I keep in touch. I don't get enough time to make bonds and get to know them. I just pass right through. Like a ghost. Or more like a dream that you forget when you wake up. The longest place I stayed is around five years, that's when I met Ash and my other best friends. The house too. I don't keep in touch but if there was something big, I would call them, and I guess they'd do too, except, you know, not knowing the people and the age stuff (my best friend from where I lived-again, five years- is one year younger than me-and I'm two years senior to her in grades-, but that's not a problem between us, not unless there's a party with friends from school and things like that. One time, I remember she invited me to her birthday party, I guess I was 11 and she was 10, I remember getting there after a test in course after school, and it was already late but I went, wanting to give her her present, I went in and saw her in princess clothing, crown and all, and a clown was there and the whole princess theme birthday party. (how should I put it, hmm, my classmates were going to parties with alcohol, -I didn't but that's my enviroinment-) and when I saw those I felt awkward and had to go through a crowd wearing crowns and having slices from a pink birthday cake, and congratulated and gave her her present and pushed to have a slice, with feeling really awkward. They were around my shoulder for god's sake!

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