31 Temmuz 2011 Pazar

love...hm... -Kat

So, going back to the subject 'love' I guess. I know if there are people out there, accually reading these, you probably wouldn't want to hear stuff (sorry, read stuff) again and again, or stay on one subject for too long. But, these are my opinions, and people who doesn't want to read it will skip it anyway so. . . =) As much as I appreciate Ash's belief about love, and the one, and prince charming and all, I really can't get myself to believe in them anymore. Like I said before, they are in the same category as Easter Bunny and tooth fairy, yes prince charming belongs with them! In the past, I really loved dreaming about how some guy would fall in love with me, and I'll fall in love with him, we would be the romeo and juliet without the tragic end. Yeah, as a little girl, those are the ideas that you grow up with. Everyone tells you how you'll get a husband and how you'll live happily ever after.Well, I really believed that. 'Used to' would be the right verb I guess.

And when you're a little girl, you play house, you have rag babies to play with, you have toy strollers for the rag babies and I know some girls that even had a pillow-husband!! That's how we were brought up!

As a kid, you wonder how your parents met first. And when you grow older, you watch romance movies, hear the kids around you are dating each other.(although I heard that they were dating, I never even saw them talking to each other, yeah that was how things were when I was nine)  And as a person who passed through your childhood listening to fairy tales about the prince charming (in turkish we call it the prince with white horse, so I guess that's what Ash meant when she first talked about love)

And, as for being weird, I used to hate romantic movies. -But not as much as I hated romance novels, no, I can never hate anything as much as I hate those. =) -  well now that I don't believe in love, I kinda started liking them. I am, right, weird? :D Although I don't believe they are real, I started reading mangas in romance (well, they are yaoi, thought it would be bad and might get disgusting, it actually turned out really sweet :D)
I read them as I'm reading science fiction: not completely impossible but not very true either.

well, first of all, I find love unnecessary and unrealistic.Take the math part:
 I think the odds are astronomical! Come on, admit it!! Two people (and if you count 'the one' theory) 'the one' could be anywhere on earth! The odds are 6 billion to one!!! I find it rather hard??  But if the possibility isn't zero, it is possible, doesn't matter how low the numbers are! -well, to be honest, that's my philosophy.

Then, I've never seen people in love!! Of course there is "dating", but I never saw anyone so in love, that last for a lifetime!! Well, my parents are divorced and hate each other, I never met any of my grandfathers, my younger aunt is divorced and my older aunt is, well, I'm gonna be honest, she's a little crazy. She is the only close family member whom I saw -and remember- married, I got two older -meaning really older, one 30-something, other 28, give or take- and I don't see love between them, marriage, yes, but not really mutual, romantic love and I'm sure as hell her husband isn't the prince charming! Well, she isn't the princess who's waiting for the prince either, so they are happy I guess.

Well, from my father's side( by side meaning his sisters) they are all happily married and bred. Except one unlucky one, her husband cheated on her and left her and the twins. Yeah, that didn't encourage me either. But I heard now that she's getting married again, to a man named Joe. He's american. Haha, I didn't see that coming! But I think she really deserves happiness because she's a really good woman and the twins are really sweet kids (I call them kids although they're only two years younger than me, well, they call me "Kat abla" meaning older sister. (I'll explain the titles(after titles? what??) later)

M.S.(Mid script-for those who doesn't know, P.S. is post script.-) And you guys know that "Kat" and "Ash" aren't our real names, right?! They are our nicknames we intend to keep. Or rather "pen name"s I guess. :D 

Yeah, back to the our subject, in my opinion, true love is platonic love. Loving selflessly, not posessive, not jealous, not "be mine or die". True love is peace, commitment, not expecting, not getting back because you got hurt. In short, love is pain. without pain, you can not understand true love, without getting hurt, you can not have love. True love lasts forever. It can not be erased. You can not move on. It does not mean happiness, it means you live for someone else's smile. It means someone's shed tears are your poison. It means you are a willing slave! 

I'm not saying that there are no people want each other physically or just want a kiss to be happy rest of their lives(which is not possible). They are hormones, like most of our personality. There's this thing called "soul" and I believe that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an atheist or something. I believe. But I'm not exactly the blind follower. I'm not the sheep I used to be (as a kid, everyone is...o_o)

But the "passion" and the physical longing is mostly about chemicals in your brain.

But the soul longs to. Soul needs. But like I said, it's not wanting someone's body or wanting to see them. It's about feeling them, without touching. It's about seeing them without using your eyes. It's about being with them all the time not as flesh, but with soul. Having their warmth in you. Feeling safe. Then again, love could just be instincts to breed. Take your pick!!! :DD

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