30 Temmuz 2011 Cumartesi

Horoscope, eh?

Oi! So get this: I stop believing in love (yeah yeah, I can see your face, but I'll get there later) and my horoscope says : The one you think (with or without "about", couldn't really understand it, so...o_O) has infinite interest in you. (In turkish it can mean -without "infinite" of course, I'm trying to explain to explain the translation of 'take an interest in someone'- like you. :D yup, that was it :D and with "infinite" guess it was meant 'a lot' :P :D yup, I know I suck right now, but soorrry, just too bored! :D yeah, what was I saying, oh, yeah...) You should try to get back at him (I'm not so sure that's the verb...) with all you got. right? I was like " yeaaaahhh, alright then..." -ok, maybe a little like "uwaaa what the hell! that's the time?! sorry pal! not interested! "Ii don't belieeve in love" *starts singing here -the song: dido - don't believe in love* - fufufufu -and that's the evil laughter in japanese, which was used in some mangas I read =)- and the song is about how people should fall in love, but I don't believe. so? and the lyrics are if I don't believe in love... yeah, but it just popped up, like when I said popped up just now, another song just popped up im my head. Even if you don't recognise the song, Ash will!!

Never gonna GİVE YOU UP
Never gonna LET YOU DOWN

....Well I guess it should be enough for now. :D Ja ne! (has a meaning like 'see ya' in japanese =))


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