31 Temmuz 2011 Pazar

Turkish after-titles! (Kat) (not subtitle but is "after-title" really a word??)

Like I promised:
Well, in turkish, it's like japanese, we sometimes add things after the name. Like, if you watch anime or read manga, you should know that like "Kat-chan" or "Ash-sama" (heh heh it's like lord(or female form of lord-if there is one-) Ash) :D or Naruto-kun and Sakura-chan would be better I guess, to explain, better than our nicknames I guess! :D - But it's not exactly like japanese because we call each other by name, but when the person you're talking to is older, that's when you need these- Yeah, and I don't know what japanese people use to call older or younger people,not exactly anyway, but in turkish, we go with family members. like if you're calling a woman around your mother's age(meaning old enough to be your mother), you call them "teyze" (pronounce: tay:zah) meaning aunt. and if you call a woman older than you but not old enough to call aunt, you call them "abla" (ub:luh) meaning older sister. And if they are men, it goes for them like old enough to be your father, calling them "amca" -uncle- and older man but not old enough, like a couple of years (more than 5 years range or more. but if you're familiar, of course you can call them by name)  "abi"(pronounced: uh:bee , but faster :P) -short for "ağabey"-.


love...hm... -Kat

So, going back to the subject 'love' I guess. I know if there are people out there, accually reading these, you probably wouldn't want to hear stuff (sorry, read stuff) again and again, or stay on one subject for too long. But, these are my opinions, and people who doesn't want to read it will skip it anyway so. . . =) As much as I appreciate Ash's belief about love, and the one, and prince charming and all, I really can't get myself to believe in them anymore. Like I said before, they are in the same category as Easter Bunny and tooth fairy, yes prince charming belongs with them! In the past, I really loved dreaming about how some guy would fall in love with me, and I'll fall in love with him, we would be the romeo and juliet without the tragic end. Yeah, as a little girl, those are the ideas that you grow up with. Everyone tells you how you'll get a husband and how you'll live happily ever after.Well, I really believed that. 'Used to' would be the right verb I guess.

And when you're a little girl, you play house, you have rag babies to play with, you have toy strollers for the rag babies and I know some girls that even had a pillow-husband!! That's how we were brought up!

As a kid, you wonder how your parents met first. And when you grow older, you watch romance movies, hear the kids around you are dating each other.(although I heard that they were dating, I never even saw them talking to each other, yeah that was how things were when I was nine)  And as a person who passed through your childhood listening to fairy tales about the prince charming (in turkish we call it the prince with white horse, so I guess that's what Ash meant when she first talked about love)

And, as for being weird, I used to hate romantic movies. -But not as much as I hated romance novels, no, I can never hate anything as much as I hate those. =) -  well now that I don't believe in love, I kinda started liking them. I am, right, weird? :D Although I don't believe they are real, I started reading mangas in romance (well, they are yaoi, thought it would be bad and might get disgusting, it actually turned out really sweet :D)
I read them as I'm reading science fiction: not completely impossible but not very true either.

well, first of all, I find love unnecessary and unrealistic.Take the math part:
 I think the odds are astronomical! Come on, admit it!! Two people (and if you count 'the one' theory) 'the one' could be anywhere on earth! The odds are 6 billion to one!!! I find it rather hard??  But if the possibility isn't zero, it is possible, doesn't matter how low the numbers are! -well, to be honest, that's my philosophy.

Then, I've never seen people in love!! Of course there is "dating", but I never saw anyone so in love, that last for a lifetime!! Well, my parents are divorced and hate each other, I never met any of my grandfathers, my younger aunt is divorced and my older aunt is, well, I'm gonna be honest, she's a little crazy. She is the only close family member whom I saw -and remember- married, I got two older -meaning really older, one 30-something, other 28, give or take- and I don't see love between them, marriage, yes, but not really mutual, romantic love and I'm sure as hell her husband isn't the prince charming! Well, she isn't the princess who's waiting for the prince either, so they are happy I guess.

Well, from my father's side( by side meaning his sisters) they are all happily married and bred. Except one unlucky one, her husband cheated on her and left her and the twins. Yeah, that didn't encourage me either. But I heard now that she's getting married again, to a man named Joe. He's american. Haha, I didn't see that coming! But I think she really deserves happiness because she's a really good woman and the twins are really sweet kids (I call them kids although they're only two years younger than me, well, they call me "Kat abla" meaning older sister. (I'll explain the titles(after titles? what??) later)

M.S.(Mid script-for those who doesn't know, P.S. is post script.-) And you guys know that "Kat" and "Ash" aren't our real names, right?! They are our nicknames we intend to keep. Or rather "pen name"s I guess. :D 

Yeah, back to the our subject, in my opinion, true love is platonic love. Loving selflessly, not posessive, not jealous, not "be mine or die". True love is peace, commitment, not expecting, not getting back because you got hurt. In short, love is pain. without pain, you can not understand true love, without getting hurt, you can not have love. True love lasts forever. It can not be erased. You can not move on. It does not mean happiness, it means you live for someone else's smile. It means someone's shed tears are your poison. It means you are a willing slave! 

I'm not saying that there are no people want each other physically or just want a kiss to be happy rest of their lives(which is not possible). They are hormones, like most of our personality. There's this thing called "soul" and I believe that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an atheist or something. I believe. But I'm not exactly the blind follower. I'm not the sheep I used to be (as a kid, everyone is...o_o)

But the "passion" and the physical longing is mostly about chemicals in your brain.

But the soul longs to. Soul needs. But like I said, it's not wanting someone's body or wanting to see them. It's about feeling them, without touching. It's about seeing them without using your eyes. It's about being with them all the time not as flesh, but with soul. Having their warmth in you. Feeling safe. Then again, love could just be instincts to breed. Take your pick!!! :DD

Shoes, shoes, shoes (Ash)

Girls, I have really good news.
I'm gonna share some photos of shoes. I hope you'll enjoy it...

note from Kat: Ash, you really are starting to act like sorority girls!!!! -although I really like those shoes . . . crap, you're making me act like a sorority girl too!! crap! overload! gotta get out!! 404 error. . .  x_x

Love (Ash)

Kat mention about love today, and I thought why don't we wrote anything about love? Then I started to search love.
Science says that love is an hormonal error
Shakespeare thinks love goes toward love
An eurovision winner singer called Lena says that love makes you move like satellite
I can tell you every thought about love but it'll be useless because everyone has an idea about it.
Well mine is love is strong enough to make everything ok, if you are with your the one, Yep, I believe the one thing, a prince with a white horse (Or just with abbs).
Well the thing is even wikipedia has a page about it...
Here is the most stupid thing I've ever seen about love.

Of course I'm not just talking about loving someone, you can love something too. Well this is something I found while I'm searching about love
Love styles are models of how people love, originally developed by John Lee (1973,[1] 1988[2]). He identified six basic love styles—also known as "colors" of love—that people use in their interpersonal relationships:
  • Eros – a passionate physical and emotional love based on aesthetic enjoyment; stereotype of romantic love
  • Ludus – a love that is played as a game or sport; conquest; may have multiple partners at once
  • Storge – an affectionate love that slowly develops from friendship, based on similarity (kindred to Philia)
  • Pragma – love that is driven by the head, not the heart; undemonstrative
  • Mania – obsessive love; experience great emotional highs and lows; very possessive and often jealous lovers
  • Agape – selfless altruistic love; spiritual;
This is enough I guess. Love is love, I love love, love love love...

30 Temmuz 2011 Cumartesi

Horoscope, eh?

Oi! So get this: I stop believing in love (yeah yeah, I can see your face, but I'll get there later) and my horoscope says : The one you think (with or without "about", couldn't really understand it, so...o_O) has infinite interest in you. (In turkish it can mean -without "infinite" of course, I'm trying to explain to explain the translation of 'take an interest in someone'- like you. :D yup, that was it :D and with "infinite" guess it was meant 'a lot' :P :D yup, I know I suck right now, but soorrry, just too bored! :D yeah, what was I saying, oh, yeah...) You should try to get back at him (I'm not so sure that's the verb...) with all you got. right? I was like " yeaaaahhh, alright then..." -ok, maybe a little like "uwaaa what the hell! that's the time?! sorry pal! not interested! "Ii don't belieeve in love" *starts singing here -the song: dido - don't believe in love* - fufufufu -and that's the evil laughter in japanese, which was used in some mangas I read =)- and the song is about how people should fall in love, but I don't believe. so? and the lyrics are if I don't believe in love... yeah, but it just popped up, like when I said popped up just now, another song just popped up im my head. Even if you don't recognise the song, Ash will!!

Never gonna GİVE YOU UP
Never gonna LET YOU DOWN

....Well I guess it should be enough for now. :D Ja ne! (has a meaning like 'see ya' in japanese =))


29 Temmuz 2011 Cuma

The Fiesta Beat

Haha :DD Just checked my e-mails and saw a subscription alert from you-tube. That was from charlieissocollike and I watched the video that michael teaching charlie how to speak american. Then I watched the video charlie teaching michael how to speak english. And I saw the link to arandavision and this video popped up. And found it cool so wanted to share. And if Ash is mad because of the lack of communication, I apologize but I got no cell right now(meaning my mom's using) and I'm too stuck on internet. Enjoy!

P.S. I became an anime-freak, and a serious fan girl.

P.P.S. http://www.fanfiction.net/ please check it out cause I like it very much(yep, still too formal, because of the lack of writing on blog in past several weeks =)) and it contains every kind of relationships and adventures between every character from every fiction. Meaning movies, animes, books and anything you can imagine!! So u 2 Ash, check it out! :DD

P.P.P.S and we're moving, yeah, finally! But we found where!! A couple of days and my mom will sign the contract, but we're starting to pack right away (naturally). :DD C U l8er!! :P :D

23 Temmuz 2011 Cumartesi


OMFGTISFT: Oh My Fucking God This Is So Fucking Tragic
Amy Winehouse,
Suck a big talent... Such a big loss...
I really love her voice and when I learned that she is dead I was shocked. I have nothing to say. Since I heard I listen her Back to Black again and again...

21 Temmuz 2011 Perşembe

-Kat, interrupted.

Hey!! I know I've been away for a little while but... yeah, since no one's reading the blog except ash and myself, I don't think I should owe an apologie. I'll talk empty later, I just dropped by to tell something. Guess what? No way you can guess. Let's cut to the chase, eh? I want to translate subtitles for TV series, but I couldn't find a place to do so. Not cool. I volunteer. It's just like that time that I wanted to volunteer to a nursing home or an orphanage, but I couldn't find a place. I don't know where or who to ask, but I CAN'T volunteer. WHAT KIND OF A WORLD ARE WE LIVING IN?!?!?!?!

14 Temmuz 2011 Perşembe

Belonging (Ash)

Do you ever felt like you don't belong a place. I usually feel that. Just being too much for it. It's like you are an object which is not belongs to the picture. It's like it's added after. When I feel like this I just get off from that picture and I watch it. It's like everyone is happy without you and you don't have to include that place. But sometimes I feel that belonging thing. To be honest I feel that way when I meet with my true friends (like Kat) but sometimes I can feel that without them. I feel like I am really happy, it's like I have everything and I  am the luckiest and the happiest person in the world. But it ends really fast with a huge disaster:/
But I grow strong. I am pretty sure that one day I'm gonna be happy like this forever...

The Mummy Returns For Real (Ash)

I really love movies about old Egypt. Mummies, pharaohs, gods, haunted pyramids, magic and stuff, they are really fun for me. I watched The Mummy and The Mummy and The Mummy Returns (These movies aree the reason why I hate bugs, especially the big once). I really wanted to make the fourth movie. I can imagine the story...
The boy (Grandson of o'connel) goes egypt for vacation (he is an archeologist) and he meets a girl at there (And that would be me). The girl came there because her granddad died and he left a house in there for the girl (They are Turkish and her family used to live in egypt (Ottoman Empire)). Well as Isaid they metand they fall in love.
This girl has interesting things like she loves cats and she hates insects. Her skin color is really white and she sometimes can see the future. The boy doesn't know a thing about his family. He thinks thay are just an ordinary type family.
Well while they are hanging around at egypt the girl finds a secret stairs in her house and these stair goes  to an acient door but they can't open it because they need another key.
This is enough for now I guess, it will be continuened

Demi Lovato - Skyscraper (Ash)

I really loved the lyrics of Demi Lovato's new song. It's really inspiring. After all shes been thru, I was waiting a song like this. Congrats Demi...

Skies are crying
I am watching catching teardrops in my hands
Only silence, as it's ending, like we never had a chance
Do you have to make me feel like there's nothing left of me?

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

As the smoke clears I awaken and untangle you from me
Would it make you feel better to watch me while I bleed?
All my windows still are broken but I'm standing on my feet
You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

Go run run run
I'm gonna stay right here
Watch you disappear
Go run run run
Yeah it's a long way down but I'm closer to the clouds up here

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

Like a skyscraper

8 Temmuz 2011 Cuma

OMG (Ash)

I don't have to explane OMG am I? Well, I have really cool news for you guys. Ok here is the first one; right now I'm writing this from my (my fathers) iPad! Isn't that awesome or something.
Well the second one is I'm going to Rock'n'coke! (İt is a national music festival)
And the last one is I'm painting my room (finally). Actually it'll be white but I'm planning draw things on it so It'll be fun!
Ps for kat: Call me whenever you see this! I have some importand things to say!!!

7 Temmuz 2011 Perşembe


I knew you'd see that coming Ash, but me thought you would counter attack. Yeah, whatever :D Anyway, we are not speaking on the phone cuz our sleeping order doesn't fit. Like when she's awake I'm asleep and when I'm awake, she's asleep. Yeah, so this refers to Ash, but you read as well, in order to learn more about our lives. Oh, who am I kidding, right now, there's no one following our blog and it's almost impossible to find it on google.   To stay on the plot, I just read the schedule of comic con 2011 and I literally bit my finger. It was awesome!!!
I wanted to scream just thinking about all the stuff I love getting together, and I don't usually scream. Accually, I never wanted to scream before, because I guess Ash did that for me. She always calls me and tells me stuff that she knows it'll excite me. And it does but till now, I never wanted to scream and bit my finger just to keep quiet, because, you know, it's 3 o'clock in the morning! Yeah anyway, I screamed, of course, but not this way. anyway (again) Ash, here comes your part: We've got to go to that comic con!!! This year is too cool, but since we can not go, we will next year. It's in San Diego, and it is a part of our trip.( we planned a trip, well more like a world tour. We thought we wouldn't have much time to do all the stuff we loved so I parted it, and it belongs in our plan of America. Let's go with USA. And we both would love to live in the states, but it's so expensive to study there, and it's too far ahead of us to plan when we're 30. Then again thinking about it now, it's not too long before we graduate from college and start a life of our own. Dammit! That just means we(our generation) will have to work harder. Yeah, too distracted, I know.
Anyway, my intention is to go to San Diego and get in the Comic-Con 2012. I'll be there pal, believe me.

Stuff stuff (Ash)

Me likes hacking but Kat hacked my too and her changed I password. But well, me knows another way to change password so me changed it. By the way Kat, me saw that coming so me weren't that angry when me saw it.
I was like this all day long. It's kinda fun. Oh I finally came home. Home sweet home...

Black Lab-This Night ->Torchwood

I heard that song on House M.D. too, but while I was looking for a music video, I found this and I loved the TV-series Torchwood and Captain Jack Harkness, well just look at him. It came to an end, as I recall.
But I like this video. =)) -Kat

Arcade Fire - My body is a cage - TT

Hey! I heard this song on House M.D. I liked it so I wanted to share it with you. And btw as I was searching for the official video, I found this, but I passed it for the official. But I didn't like the official, I like this one better. So, hope you enjoy it =)) -Kat

-kat =))

Aaand got news for ya babe, I just changed your password!!!!! :DD

And she's like this crazy facebook lady, she always has to check her account for new notifications. :D 

-kat =))

God!! Ash just hacked my facebook account. Well, to be honest, I didn't see THAT coming. :D well, talking 'bout hacking, I hacked into her account too. Well, accually, it's not hacking if you already know the password, right?? haha, It's like stealing with thief having the key . Wait . . . .


OMFGTIFC: Oh My Fucking God This Is Fucking Cute

Coldplay is good, deal with it!

Actually I don't usually like coldplays songs but this song really catchy. So here it is;

Nature Boy (Ash)

I love Kerli. I love her songs. Especially that song;
It's actually Moulin Rouges soundtrack. But Kerli made it great! I hope you enjoyed it:)

4 Temmuz 2011 Pazartesi


Hey!! I started watching animes due to recommendations of an old and best friend of ours(with ash). She's a big fan of mangas and animes, and till last week, I had no idea what she was talking about. Couple of weeks ago we met, all together (4 best friends, me, ash, our anime addicted friend and another one that has moved to another city about 4 years ago, btw we miss her so much) for our friend's arrival.


 Anyways, I started watching Death Note due to her recommendation(she told me that it was her favorite)

It's built around a 17 year old guy, who is really smart and psychologically twisted, getting his hand of a notebook which originally belongs to a death god. A detective,L, as smart as Light (the protagonist) gets suspicious of the deaths of criminals and starts an investigation.

It's a composition of mind games and requires focus just to keep track of it. It's a really good detective story and the scenario is a work of intelligence. There's a waiting of the answer to this question: who outwits who?  Be careful, you might get addicted. =))

And there's Naruto. She told me if I was going to get into the anime world, Naruto would be a good place to start. So I took her word for it.

Naruto Group

And guess what? I love it now!! It's fun!! It's about a kid, whom the nine-tailed demon fox was sealed in.
It gets better and better as you watch. So I recommend!! :D
Take it seriously, I had only 3 hours sleep in 72 hrs while watching this. So call me addicted, but I love it and don't wanna stop watching, If I did I would, but I don't. ;)) just try it once, one episode is only 20 minutes, so what can you lose, right?? :DD


Misha Collins (by kat)

misha collins married

He's a total tweet-freak,

misha collins married

a little weird . . .

ok a lot . . .

. . . and has his moments

but still . . .

 Isn't he lovely??

and he's caring . . . (DWI as in driving while intoxicated meaning drunk driving)

(He ran for Haiti . . . )


He's just . . .  I don't know, I might let Ash finish this sentence . . . . wait . . . . NOOOO . . . . .  nope . . .  :D

He's perfect. Please be a fan of his. Oh, wait, if you aren't that would make my job easier?? Maybe. But he deserves even more fans . . . :D vote for supernatural!!! ;))) and Misha!!

Oh, I love them too, and I would totally buy those hats!! :DD -kat

I <3 Jensen mostly :DDD


I have nyanned for 661.3 sec. arrggh I thought I was going mad :D


http://nyan.cat/    the longer you listen, the annoying it gets.....:D

3 Temmuz 2011 Pazar

Say Hello To Goodbye (Ash)

Hey there stranger, how you bin'
Feels like i'm standing on the outside looking in
at the mess we left behind
And it's a long way to fall
I gave you everything I had
I gave it all
And then my heart was on the line

I can't hate you
any longer
I know i'm going to miss you
I'll forget it and let it go.

Say hello to goodbye, cuse its gone forever
No more try, you and I
Not now, not ever
And i'll get by without you
I'm not going back again
I'm not going to lie to you
Cause, that was there and only then.

Say hello to goodbye
Say hello..

And this is how it has to be
Cause' its a deadly combination, you and me
You know its undeniable
Even though we tried it all
We brought the worst out in each other
I recall
We can't act it anymore

What doesn't kill you
It makes you stronger
And though i'm going to miss you
I'll forget it and let you go

Say hello to good-bye
Its gone forever
No more try, you and I
Not now, not ever
And i'll get by without you
I'm not going back again
I'm not going to lie to you
Cause, that was there and only then.

Say hello to goodbye
Say hello..

And even though the tears will dry
I can't completely disconnect
Couldn't make the compromise
Didn't have a safety net

Say hello to goodbye
heeey ya ya

Say hello, goodbye

Say hello to good-bye
Its gone forever
No more try, you and I
Not now, not ever
And i'll get by without you
I'm not going back again
I'm not going to lie to you
Cause, that was there and only then.

Say hello, to goodbye
Say hello, to goodbye
Say hello, hello
to goodbye.