20 Haziran 2011 Pazartesi

Stranger (Ash)

Did you ever feel like you need to escape from something but you can't 'cos you were locked up. I felt like this all my life long. It was like I was attached that place with invisible ropes. My life was perfect acctually. Rich family, only child, good education, good friends... But I never felt like it is my life. I was just a bird who lives in a golden cage. It doesn't matter it was made by gold or not, it is still a cage. I needed to fly, run away from here because no matter what they do all I felt was strange. They were nothing but strangers for me, even my mum was a stranger for me.
My last birthday was the only time I felt belonging to somewhere but it was for just a moment. There was this stupid birthday party of mine. They dressed me really beautiful. My hair was done, my dress was ready. That days I was allowed to wear anything I want so I chose a really beautiful black dress. I felt like I was perfect. Then we went the living room. All of my school friends was there. My family went out of the town because they thought I want to have some good time with my friends alone. So I decided to have this crazy birthday party. I invited everyone in the school so everyone was hanging with their friends except that wierdly cute boy. Truth be told I liked him back that time so I went next to him and started to talk. We talked all night long...
Party ended at 6:00 am so everyone seemed devastated so no one stay with me for cleaning the house except him. While we were cleaning up we talked about love. He told me that he was loving a girl. I was shocked because I thought he liked me too. But then he make something really unexpected, he grabbed me and kissed me. It felt so good and real and right at the same time. But after that night I never saw him again. When I told everything to my best friend she told me that she never saw him neighter at the party nor after the party. I almost believed her. After a couple days of therapy I made myself believe that he wasn't real but my next birthday he showed up again but that time everyone went home and I was about to sleep. He apologized me and that night we slept togheter. When I wake up at the morning, he wasn't with me. I searched all house but he was gone again. Now I'm at a mental hospital for 7 years. He never showed up after that night but I still believe that he exists...

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