7 Haziran 2011 Salı


I am literary speechless. Well who is not after that thing? I had that WTFH is going on momen when I watched but I can say that I'm a bit relaxed when I see that. Let me explane from the begining;
I was voted for Kristen & Taylor for best kiss. After the day which they did the MTV Movie Awards I was like so nervous because even in the movie I hated that Jacob & Bella's kissing scene (Truth be told I really enjoyed it when I was reading the book, you know dreaming being me Bella and kissing Jacob as Taylor and dumping Edward stuff...) and I thought that they should kiss when they won the award. I checked from my phone for learning who won which one and I read that Kristen and Taylor won the award. They didn't want to kiss each other and some random girl/guy from the audience (Yeah the article didn't mention the sex of the person) kiss him. I was like I should be there and I should be the one who kissed him. Well until today I didn't learn anything new. I didn't go to school because last night I had a stage rehearsal for my ballet show and when I came home I was like a dead which is walking and talking randomly. So I slept like 12 hours or something (ps.: Last night I came home at 9 pm but I was awake until 1 am. I watched a really enjoyable horror movie) and when I woke up the first thing I did was callin Kat and tell everything 'bout "the kiss". And after that I opened my computer and watched the video. And thats it. I am really relaxed now. Taylor is still a MTV Best Kiss Award virgin and he is waiting for me...

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