17 Haziran 2011 Cuma

PLL is back.

Pretty Little Liars is back(as you got from the headline) and I thought it would be great...My expectations were pretty high because Ash hasn't stop talking about it. Like it was something like One Republic coming in town or something. But no. She was like" look at the bright side,PLL is coming" or "yeah, in a month we'll have our PLL back! Yay!!" and though I knew how it was, my subcouncioussness thought otherwise, because she did the same to Doctor Who and it was pretty awesome. I'm thinking about leaving the TV series because I'm not even curious anymore. Ash told me the end of it and who A is and one of the things I hate the most is spoilers. I hate them. I don't even read names of the episodes so I won't have a clue about the plot of it, because when I know the beginning, I figure out the rest. It sucks. I mean it. But I think PLL used to be OK. But not anymore. It has no taste anymore, there are too many questions, and as the questions and mysteries increase, the answers they have fade. But go ahead, watch and state your own criticism.


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