16 Haziran 2011 Perşembe

Funky Fingernails (Kat)

I love my fingernails. Not exactly what I meant in my head, but anyways, my point is, I love to mess around and play with things. Like I love art. I love to paint and draw and write etc.... You can say that I like pretty much everything that has to do something with a pencil. In this case, not a pencil, but I like to use my hands, practically, I love to get my hands dirty. So, enough of what I like, let's get to the point where I did. Like I said, I'm really good with colors and I used them on my fingernails. On a black base, there are white and colorful points. By colorful, I mean, like my pinky has white and yellow dots on a black base. and then on my ring finger there's orange, middle finger has pink, index finger got purple and my thumb got no points, with white dots on a black base of course. And those were only my left hand. Cool huh? I loved them. Accually, I painted them for Ash, I mean we had an appointment(didn't wanna say "date") to meet, but for some reason(personal stuff) we couldn't meet. And she couldn't see them. =(( They kinda look like this,but with a whole bunch of other stuff :

But like I said and you guys memorized, on a black base, with white points, colorful dots. Oh yeah Baybey(a new way to say Baby and ByeBye ;))

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